
2018年10月31日 星期三




西元七世紀間,印度的戒賢論師,依 <解深密經、無自相品> ,將如來一代時教,判為「三時教相」。這三時教相是:

一、第一時有教: 如來為使一切起惑造業的眾生,入於佛道,而說業感因緣諸法,即四聖諦十二因緣法門,令諸凡夫外道趣入小乘教法。

二、第二時空教: 如來為使一切雖斷我執未斷法執的小乘者,宣說諸法皆空之理,為令諸小乘趣入大乘的教法。

三、第三時中道教: 如來更為欲斷除小乘人偏有,及大乘人偏空的執著,而說非有非空的中道教。此中道教圓融俱足,是如來究竟了義的大乘教。

以上三時教內,前二時為如來的方便教法,是不了義教; 第三時為如來的真實教法,是了義教。而法相唯識宗的教義,便是宣說三自性、三無性的唯識中道,故法相唯識宗又稱為中道宗。

中道是什麼? 經云:「中以不二為義,道以能通為名。」中道是離開二邊對立——離開常、斷二見、有、無兩邊,而臻於不偏不倚的中正之境。



一、妄有性: 這類事物本來沒有本體,是我人假立名相而有的,而我人卻普遍的執著計較,計較的物件,不外是名稱言說或義理,名稱言說不是實有,只有「妄有]

二、假有性: 這類事物,是因緣和合——眾多因素條件所生起的,如以磚瓦木石築成房屋,以泥土工具做成瓶缽,它沒有本身的實體、自性,不過是「組合」的存在 (仗因托緣的生起存在) ,這也不是實有 ,只是「假有」罷了。

三、實有性: 這是諸法的實體、自性,它不是虛妄的、暫時的存在,而是絕待的、超越的存在,事實上這是諸法絕待的理體,也即是「實性」——真實的存在。

以上三類,在佛學術語上稱為「三自性」——即是遍計所執性,依他起性,圓成實性。如 <解深密經> 上說 :「云何諸法遍計所執相,謂一切法,假名安立,自性差別,乃至為令隨起言說; 云何諸法依他起相,謂一切法緣生自相、、、、、、云何諸法圓成實相,謂一切法平等真如。」經文中的「相」字,在此處就是性的意思。所以,換一個方式說,三自性就是:

一、遍計所執性: 這是我人對一切事物,普遍的執著計較。執著於五蘊和合的假我為實我,執著於條件組合的假有為實法。或執於相,或執於名,或執於義理,時時計較,處處計較,這一切執著計較,就是我人煩惱生起的原因。

二、依他起性: 依他起的「他」,指的眾緣——眾多的因素條件。世間萬有,沒有孤立生起或存在的,全是因素條件的組合。既是組合,就會隨著組合條件的改變而變化。所以它沒有「自性」 ——即是沒有固定不變之性。

三、圓成實性: 圓者圓滿,成是成就,實是真實,合而言之,就是圓滿成就的真實體性。這真實體性不是事相,而是「理性」——超越相對的絕待真理。也就是二空——在我空和法空之後,所體證的理體。這理體也就是真如。

三自性,是以依他起性為中心。仗因托緣生起的事物,只是暫時的現象,不是永恒的實體。我人若在這因緣和合的事物上執著計較,這就是遍計所執性——普遍的計較執著,執我執法、執常執斷。如果徹悟諸法緣生,常一切時,在依他起諸法上、無遍計所執的實我實法,這就是圓成實性。 <唯識三十頌> 上說 :「依他起自性,分別緣所生,圓成實於彼,常遠離前性。前性,指的是於依他起法上,遠離普遍執著計較的遍計所執性。


一切諸法,各具三自性,同時也各具三無性,那就是相無性,生無性,勝義無性。無性,就是無自性。試想,宇宙萬有,無非全是一時組合的假相,依此假相,而立假名。我人在這一切假名、幻相上執著計較,假名幻相何嘗有其自性? 其次說生無性,依他起之法,是仗因托而生起的,它是隨著因緣的聚散而生滅,它何嘗有固定不變的自性? 最後是勝義無性,所謂勝義,就是真如。 <唯識三十頌> 曰:「此諸法勝義,亦即是真如,常如其性故,即唯識實性。」唯識實性就是圓成實性。圓成實性是超言絕慮的絕待之法,顯二空之妙理,所以說勝義無性——勝義如果有自性,就不是絕待的勝義了。

2018年10月30日 星期二


華嚴經要解 -- 宋溫陵比丘戒環集





圖像裡可能有1 人




**待續  三;科解

佛說觀無量壽佛經 -- 白話解釋(一)

佛說觀無量壽佛經 -- 白話解釋()










黃智海居士講述 -- 塵空法師鑒定

2018年10月28日 星期日



唯識學的基本理論,即所謂「萬法唯識」,唯識家以為,宇宙間一切法相 (現象) ,全是識所變現,此即所謂「唯識無境」——境,就是宇宙萬有的一切現象。這一切現象,非外在的真實存在,而是識所變現出來的。這叫做:「識所緣,唯識所變」。

識是什麼? <大乘義林章> 曰:「識者心之別名」,又曰:「識者心也,由心集起彩畫為主之根本,故經曰唯心;分別了達之根本,故論曰唯識。或經義通因果,總言唯心,論說唯在因,但稱唯識。識了別義,在因位中識用強故,說識為唯,其義無二。

由上文可知,識就是心。但此心,並非我人胸中的肉團心。胸腔中的肉團心,只是循環系統中壓銜血液的器官,沒有了別認識的作用。或有人曰,既然不是胸中的肉團心,當然是腦袋殼中的大腦。這也只對了一半,因為離開大腦固然沒有識,但大腦並不是識。這好比有了燈管 (電燈泡) 電才會發光,但燈管並不是電。燈管只是物質性的工具,通上電流才會發光。以此類推,大腦也只是物質性的工具,如果沒有識,它同樣沒有瞭解、分別的認識作用。

識究竟是什麼? 事實上,識只是一種「功能」,功用和能力。簡單的說,識就是一種[能量」。我們由下列三種界說,以說明之:

一、識不是一種有質礙性的物質,而是一種功能。識有四個名稱,曰心、意、識、了,唯識家解釋這四種名稱,謂:「積集義是心,思量義是意,了別義是識。如抬頭見時鐘,這是明瞭; 繼而分別時間,是名分別。而此四種名稱,指的都是一種無質礙性的功能。並且八種識均有這四種功能。都可通稱為心、意、識、了,不過以功能殊勝來說,則第八識積集諸法種子,生起諸法,名之為心; 第七識恒審思量,執著自我,名之為意;前六識了別各別粗顯之境,名之為識。以上數者,只是一種能變的法性,而法性是離開名稱言說的境界,唯識之教,是「即用顯體」。說到其體,名為「如如」: 說到其用,名為「能變」。「能」則勢力生起,運轉不居;「變」則生滅如幻,非實有性。唯識立論,謂離識之外,無有外境。而所謂識,亦不過為一能變的「功能」而已。

二、識的功能,非局限於肉身,而交遍於法界 (全宇宙)。大腦是有質礙性的物質,而識是無質礙性的功能。大腦的感覺神經、運動神經,作用只限於我人的身體;而我人的識,目之所見,耳之所聞,以至於意之所思 (所謂法境) ,山河大地,日月星晨,皆在我人心識之中。識量同於虛空而無極,因此識的功用交遍法界 (此係就種子而言,至於識的現行,則隨量之大小而有局限。)






識者心之別名,是我人精神作用的主體。在唯識學上,把識分析為八種,即是眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意、末那、阿賴耶八個識。眼、耳、鼻、舌、身是五種感覺器官,合稱前五識; 意識稱為第六識,是我人心理活動的的綜合中心; 末那識稱第七識,是有情「自我意識」的中心,阿賴耶識稱第八識。它含藏「萬法種子」,是生起宇宙萬法的本源。




一者五官端正,二者六根圓備,三者出身望族,四者品德善良,五者守持戒律,六者通研三藏,七者威儀具足,八者勝辯言詞,九者聲音美好,十者忍辱知足。<瑜伽師地論> 卷八十一中,對此有更詳盡的說明。不過這個名詞現在已通俗化了,變成泛稱出家眾的名稱了。

** 待續

八識規矩頌講記--于凌波居士 講述

2018年10月27日 星期六




一、      前五識頌
二、      第六識頌
三、      第七識頌
四、      第八識頌。


 <大乘義林章> 曰:「識者心之別名」。因此、識就是「心」。
 <大乘廣五蘊論> 上說:「云何識蘊,謂於所緣,了別為性,亦名心,能採集故。亦名意,意所攝故。」這樣看來,心、意、識三者全是一樣。

「心又是什麼呢? 」依照佛經上說:
「心」是我們精神作用的主體。原來依照佛教的教義,所謂「宇宙」(物質世間,我人賴以生存的環) 和人生 (有情世間,我人的生命體) ,不是神 (大梵天或上帝)所創造,不是無因而生,這一切,都是「因緣和合」而生起存在的。



一、      色蘊:
色蘊的色,是物質的意思 (不是顏色、美色的色) ,組成色蘊的內容是地、水、火、風四種元素。其實真正所指的不是地、水、火、風四種實物,指的是堅濕、暖、動四種物性。由此四種物性,構成宇宙萬物,也包括著我們物質性的 身體在內,此即所謂「色身」。

二、      受蘊:

三、      想蘊:

四、      行蘊:
行蘊是我人的意志活動,這是心識中「思心所」的作用。思心所作了決定,由身 (動作) 和口 (語言) 去執行,這就是身行、語行、意行。行就是行為,也稱為「造作」,行為的後果就是「業」——身、語、意三種業。

五、      識蘊:


想—————┼ 精神組合——心——名

五蘊是構成宇宙萬有的質料 (包括物質世界和各類有情——一切生命體) ,識蘊是「主觀的能認識的主體」,色、受、想、行四蘊是「客觀的所認識的物件」,如下表所示:

受—————┼ 客觀的所認識的物件——我所


1. 心:指「心心觀念處」,即正念安住在心念上,覺知當下的心念是否有貪、瞋、癡等狀態。
2. 識:識知;覺知。梵語,婆哩惹儞Parijñana,心之異名。了別之義也。心對於境而了別,名為識。
(1)    親所緣,即內識所慮託之影像,亦即內識由作用所產生之影像。
(2)    疏所緣,即外在對境之本質。於成唯識論卷七,謂上記之親疏二緣並為四緣中之「所緣緣」;然唯識二十論則認為親所緣為四緣中之「所緣緣」,疏所緣為四緣中之「增上緣」。(後續再解釋)


八識規矩頌講記--于凌波居士 講述

2018年10月6日 星期六



    The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra
Chapter Twenty-five, "The Universal Door of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva
(The Bodhisattva Who Contemplates the Sounds of All the World)"
        At that time Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva rose from his seat, uncovered his right shoulder, placed his palms together, and facing the Buddha, said, "World Honored One, by means of what causes and conditions is the Bodhisattva Gwan Shr Yin called 'Gwan Shr Yin'?"
         爾時無盡意菩薩即從座起,偏袒右肩,合掌向佛, 而作是言:‘世尊,觀世音菩薩、以何因緣、名觀世音?’

        The Buddha told Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva, "Good Man, if any of the limitless hundreds of thousands of myriads of kotis of living beings who are undergoing all kinds of suffering hear of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva and recite his name single-mindedly, Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva will immediately hear their voices and rescue them.

        If a person who upholds the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva enters a great fire, the fire will not burn him, all because of this Bodhisattva's awesome spiritual power.

        If a person being tossed about in the great sea calls out the Bodhisattva's name, he will find a shallow place.

        If the hundreds of thousands of myriads of kotis of beings who seek gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, carnelian, coral, amber, real pearls, and so forth enter the great sea, an evil wind may toss their boats into the territory of the rakshasha ghosts. But if among them there is even one person who calls out the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, they will all be saved from the difficulty of the rakshashas.


         For this reason, he is called Gwan Shr Yin.

        Further, if a person who is about to be harmed calls out the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, the swords and staves of the attackers will break into pieces and he will be saved.

        If yakshas and rakshashas enough to fill the three thousand great thousand world system come to torment a person, if they hear him call out the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, all those evil ghosts will not even be able to stare at that person with their evil eyes, how much the less harm him.

        If a person, whether guilty or not, who has been put in stocks or bound with chains calls out the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, his fetters will break apart and he will immediately be saved.

       If thieves enough to fill the three thousand great thousand world system infest a dangerous road on which a merchant chief in charge of costly jewels is leading a group of merchants, but among the merchants there is even a single person who says, 'Good men, do not be afraid! You should all single-mindedly recite the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva. This Bodhisattva bestows fearlessness upon living beings. If you recite his name, you shall surely be saved from these robbers,' and if upon hearing that, the merchants all cry out together, 'Na mwo Gwan Shr Yin Pu Sa,' then they will immediately be saved because they recited his name.
        若三千大千國土、滿中怨賊,有一商主,將諸商人,齎持重寶、經過險路,其中一人、作是唱言:“諸善男子、勿得恐怖,汝等應當一心稱觀世音 菩薩名號,是菩薩能以無畏施于眾生,汝等若稱名者,於此怨賊、當得解脫。”眾商人聞,俱發聲言:“南無觀世音菩薩。”稱其名故,即得解脫。’      

        Inexhaustible Intention! The awesome spiritual power of the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Gwan Shr Yin is as lofty and sublime as that!"
  •         "If living beings who have much sexual desire constantly and reverently recite the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, they will be separated from desire.

      "If those who have much hatred constantly and reverently recite the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, they will be separated from hatred.

            "If those who are very stupid constantly and reverently recite the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, they will be separated from stupidity.

      "Inexhaustible Intention, Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva has great awesome spiritual powers such as these and confers great benefits. Therefore living beings should always be mindful of him.

            "If women who seek sons bow and make offerings to Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, they will give birth to blessed, virtuous, and wise sons. If they seek daughters, they will give birth to upright and handsome daughters who have planted the roots of virtue in previous lives and who are regarded and respected by all.
            "Inexhaustible Intention! Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva has powers such as these. If there are living beings who reverently bow to Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, they will be blessed and their efforts will not be in vain.Therefore living beings should all receive and uphold the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva.

            "Inexhaustible Intention! If a person were to receive and uphold the names of Bodhisattvas in number as the grains of sand in sixty-two kotis of Ganges Rivers, and in addition were to exhaustively make offerings to them of food, drink, clothing, bedding, and medicine, what do you think-would that good man or good woman's merit and virtue be great or not?"

             Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva replied, "Very great, World Honored One."

            The Buddha said, "If another person were to receive and uphold the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva and bow and make offerings but once, that person's blessings would be equal to and not different from the other person's. They could not be exhausted in hundreds of thousands of myriads of kotis of eons.      Inexhaustible Intention, one who receives and upholds the name of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva obtains the benefit of blessings and virtues as limitless and boundless as those."

            Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, how does Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva roam through this Saha World? How does he speak the Dharma for living beings? How does he carry out this work with the power of expedients?"
            The Buddha told Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva, "Good Man, if living beings in this land must be saved by means of someone in the body of a Buddha, Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva will manifest in the body of a Buddha and speak Dharma for them. 
        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Pratyekabuddha, he will manifest in the body of a Pratyekabuddha and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Hearer, he will manifest in the body of a Hearer and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of the Brahma King, he will manifest in the body of the Brahma King and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of Shakra, he will manifest in the body of Shakra and speak Dharma for them.
        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of the God of Self-Mastery, he will manifest in the body of the God of Self-Mastery and speak Dharma for them.
        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of the Great God of Self-Mastery, he will manifest in the body of the Great God of Self-Mastery and speak Dharma for them. 

  "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a great heavenly general, he will manifest in the body of a great heavenly general and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of Vaishravana, he will manifest in the body of Vaishravana and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a minor king, he will manifest in the body of a minor king and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of an Elder, he will manifest in the body of an Elder and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a layman, he will manifest in the body of a layman and speak Dharma for them.
        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a minister of state, he will manifest in the body of a minister of state and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Brahman, he will manifest in the body of a Brahman and speak Dharma for them.
        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Bhikshu, Bhikshuni, Upasaka, or Upasika, he will manifest in the body of a Bhikshu, Bhikshuni, Upasaka, or Upasika and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of the wife of an Elder, of a layman, of a minister of state, or of a Brahman, he will manifest in a wife's body and speak Dharma for them.

        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a pure youth or a pure maiden, he will manifest in the body of a pure youth or pure maiden and speak Dharma for them.
        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a god, dragon, yaksha, gandharva, asura, garuda, kinnara, mahoraga, human, or nonhuman, and so forth, he will manifest in such a body and speak Dharma for them.
        "If they must be saved by someone in the body of a Vajra-wielding spirit, he will manifest in the body of a Vajra-wielding spirit and speak Dharma for them.

        "Inexhaustible Intention! Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva has accomplished merit and virtue such as this and, in all manner of forms, roams throughout the land, saving and liberating living beings.Therefore you should all single-mindedly make offerings to Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva. Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva Mahasattva can, in the midst of fear, crisis, and hardship, bestow fearlessness. That is why in this Saha World all call him the "Bestower of Fearlessness."

        Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, I shall now make an offering to Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva." He then removed his necklace of pearls, its value in the hundreds of thousands of ounces of gold, and offered it to the Bodhisattva, saying, "Humane One, accept this Dharma offering, this necklace of precious pearls."

        Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva refused to accept it.

        Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva again said to Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, "Humane One, out of pity for us, accept this necklace."

        The Buddha then told Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, "You should take pity on Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva and the fourfold assembly, as well as the gods, dragons, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, humans, nonhumans, and so forth, and accept this necklace."
        Then, out of pity for the fourfold assembly, the gods, dragons, humans, nonhumans, and so forth, Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva accepted the necklace. He divided it into two parts: one part he offered to Shakyamuni Buddha and one part he offered to the Stupa of Many Jewels Buddha.

        "Inexhaustible Intention, such is the self-mastery and spiritual power of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, who roams throughout the Saha World."
  • At that time, Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva used verses to ask this question:

"World Honored One, complete with wondrous marks,
I now ask again,
Why is this disciple of the Buddha
Called Gwan Shr Yin?"
世尊妙相具,    我今重問彼,    佛子何因緣,    名為觀世音。

The Honored One of Perfect, Wondrous Marks,

With verses answered Inexhaustible Intention:
"Listen to the practice of Gwan Yin,
Who skillfully responds in all places,
With vast vows, as deep as the sea,
Throughout inconceivable eons,
Serving many thousands of kotis of Buddhas,
And making great, pure vows.
具足妙相尊,    偈答無盡意。    汝聽觀音行,    善應諸方所,
宏誓深如海,    曆劫不思議,    侍多千億佛,    發大清淨願。

"I shall now tell you in brief,
That for those who hear his name or see him,
And who are mindful of his name unceasingly,
He can extinguish the suffering of all realms of existence.
我為汝略說,    聞名及見身,    心念不空過,    能滅諸有苦。


"If someone is the victim of another's intent to harm,

And is pushed into a pit of fire,

If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,

The pit of fire will turn into a pool.
假使興害意,    推落大火坑,    念彼觀音力,    火坑變成池。

"If someone is being tossed about in the great sea,

And is surrounded by the dangers of dragons, fish, and ghosts,

If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
The waves will not drown him.
或漂流巨海,    龍魚諸鬼難,    念彼觀音力,    波浪不能沒。

"If someone is on the peak of Mount Sumeru,
And another person tries to push him off,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
He will stand firm as the sun in space.
或在須彌峰、    為人所推墮,    念彼觀音力,    如日虛空住。

"If someone is pursued by evil people,
Who want to throw him off a Vajra Mountain,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
The people will not be able to harm a single hair on his body.
或被惡人逐,    墮落金剛山,    念彼觀音力,    不能損一毛。

"If someone is surrounded by thieves,
 Who threaten him with knives,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
The thieves will all give rise to compassion.
或值怨賊繞,    各執刀加害,    念彼觀音力,    咸即起慈心.

"If someone is in difficulty with the law,
And on the verge of being executed,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
The knives will break into pieces.
或遭王難苦,    臨刑欲壽終,    念彼觀音力,    刀尋段段壞。
·         "If someone is imprisoned, shackled, or chained,
Or if his hands and feet are in stocks,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
His bonds will open and he will be free.
或囚禁枷鎖,    手足被杻械,    念彼觀音力,    釋然得解脫。

"If someone is about to be harmed,
By mantras, spells, or poisonous herbs,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
The harm will all return to the sender.
咒詛諸毒藥、    所欲害身者,    念彼觀音力,    還著於本人。

"If someone meets with evil rakshashas,

If someone meets with evil Poisonous dragons, or ghosts,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
They will then not dare to harm him.
或遇惡羅刹、    毒龍諸鬼等,    念彼觀音力,    時悉不敢害。

"If someone is surrounded by evil beasts,
With fearsome sharp teeth and claws,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
The beasts will quickly run far away.
若惡獸圍繞,    利牙爪可怖,    念彼觀音力,    疾走無邊方。

"Poisonous snakes and scorpions,
Have blazing lethal vapors,
But if one uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,

At the sound of one's voice, they will disperse.
蚖蛇及蝮蠍,    氣毒煙火燃,    念彼觀音力,    尋聲自回去。

"Clouds of roaring thunder and lightning
May send down hail or great floods of rain,
But if one uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
The clouds will immediately scatter.
雲雷鼓掣電,    降雹澍大雨,    念彼觀音力,    應時得消散。

"Living beings are beset with hardships,
And oppressed by limitless sufferings.
The power of Gwan Yin's wondrous wisdom
Can rescue the world from suffering.
眾生被困厄,    無量苦逼身,    觀音妙智力,    能救世間苦。

"Complete with the power of spiritual penetrations,
Vastly cultivating wisdom and expedient means,
Going throughout countries in the ten directions,
He manifests everywhere in all places.
具足神通力,    廣修智方便,    十方諸國土,    無刹不現身。

"The various evil destinies,

Those of the hells, ghosts, and animals,

And the pain of birth, old age, sickness, and death
Are all gradually wiped away.
種種諸惡趣,    地獄鬼畜生,    生老病死苦,    以漸悉令滅。

"True Contemplator, Pure Contemplator,
Contemplator with Vast, Great Wisdom,
Compassionate Contemplator, Kind Contemplator,
Constant are your vows, constant is our respect!
真觀清淨觀,    廣大智慧觀,    悲觀及慈觀,    常願常瞻仰。

"Undefiled pure light,
The sun of wisdom that breaks through the darkness
Is able to quell calamities of wind and fire
As it shines on all worlds.
無垢清淨光、    慧日破諸闍,    能伏災風火,    普明照世間。

"Compassionate substance: the thunder of Precepts.
Kind intent: a wondrous great cloud.
He rains down sweet dew and Dharma rain,
Which extinguish the flames of affliction.
悲體戒雷震,    慈意妙大雲,    澍甘露法雨,    滅除煩惱焰。

"In the midst of contention, when faced with lawsuits,
Or when someone is terrified on the battlefield,
If he uses the power of mindfulness of Gwan Yin,
All his many enemies will scatter and leave.
諍訟經官處,    怖畏軍陣中,    念彼觀音力,    眾怨悉退散。

"Wondrous your sound, Contemplator of the World's Sounds-
A pure sound, a sound like the sea tide,
A sound beyond all worldly sounds,
We shall always bear it in mind.
妙音觀世音、    梵音海潮音,    勝彼世間音,    是故須常念,

"In thought after thought we have no doubt.
Gwan Shr Yin is pure and sagely.
In times of suffering, agony, danger, and death,
He is our refuge and protector."
念念勿生疑。    觀世音淨聖,    於苦惱死厄、    能為作依怙。

"Complete with all merit and virtue,
With eyes of kindness, watching living beings,
He is endowed with massive blessings, limitless as the sea.
Therefore we should reverently worship him."
具一切功德,    慈眼視眾生,    福聚海無量,    是故應頂禮。

  At that time the Bodhisattva Guardian of the Earth rose from his seat and said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, if there are those who hear this chapter of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, who learn about the self-mastery of his deeds and the power of his spiritual penetrations as shown in this Universal Door, you should know that the merit and virtue of such people will not be small."

  When the Buddha had spoken the "Universal Door Chapter," eighty-four thousand living beings in the assembly all brought forth the resolve for Anuttarasamyaksambodhi.